
News and updates from the team

My ImageInteractive story generation
Make your first story in seconds without leaving the browser!
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and Valentin Palkovic
My ImageType-safe module mocking in Storybook
A new, standards-based mocking approach
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and Jeppe Reinhold and Kasper Peulen
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Storybook 8.1
A more productive, organized, and predictable Storybook
May 23, 2024
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Portable stories for Playwright Component Tests
Test your stories in Playwright CT with minimal setup.
May 15, 2024
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Storybook 8
Next level testing, performance, and compatibility
March 08, 2024
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First-class Vue support with Volar and Storybook 8
Significantly improved docs and controls for Vue Storybooks using Vite
March 07, 2024
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Storybook’s Visual Tests addon enters beta
Catch visual changes inside Storybook, without needing to depend on CI
February 15, 2024
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Storybook 5.1
React Native • Accessibility • Context • Presets • Docs update
June 05, 2019
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Special thanks to Netlify and CircleCi